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Hayal Hakikat

Hayal Hakikat

Hayal Hakikat

A Handbook of Forgiveness

A Handbook of Punishment

A Handbook of Forgiveness

A Handbook of Punishment

A Handbook of Forgiveness

A Handbook of Punishment

– Would you be upset if he dies?

– So much.

– Then, forgive.

– Would you be upset if he dies?

– So much.

– Then, forgive.

– Would you be upset if he dies?

– So much.

– Then, forgive.

drag to discover

drag to discover

Abdulhamid II, during the 25th year of his reign, ordered convicts to be photographed with their hands showing, in preparation for a planned amnesty. He has been moved by pseudo-scientific information he had read in a crime novel that “any criminal with a thumb joint longer than the index finger joint, is inclined to murder.”

Abdulhamid II, during the 25th year of his reign, ordered convicts to be photographed with their hands showing, in preparation for a planned amnesty. He has been moved by pseudo-scientific information he had read in a crime novel that “any criminal with a thumb joint longer than the index finger joint, is inclined to murder.”

Abdulhamid II, during the 25th year of his reign, ordered convicts to be photographed with their hands showing, in preparation for a planned amnesty. He has been moved by pseudo-scientific information he had read in a crime novel that “any criminal with a thumb joint longer than the index finger joint, is inclined to murder.”

Please, measure your thumb and index finger before you continue.

Please, measure your thumb and index finger before you continue.

Please, measure your thumb and index finger before you continue.